

Status XGetWMColormapWindows(display, w, colormap_windows_return, count_return)
      Display *display;
      Window w;
      Window **colormap_windows_return;
      int *count_return;


display Specifies the connection to the X server.
w Specifies the window.
colormap_windows_return Returns the list of windows.
count_return Returns the number of windows in the list.


The XGetWMColormapWindows() function returns the list of window identifiers stored in the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property on the specified window. These identifiers indicate the colormaps that the window manager may need to install for this window. If the property exists, is of type WINDOW, is of format 32, and the atom WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS can be interned, XGetWMColormapWindows() sets the windows_return argument to a list of window identifiers, sets the count_return argument to the number of elements in the list, and returns a nonzero status. Otherwise, it sets neither of the return arguments and returns a zero status. To release the list of window identifiers, use XFree().

XGetWMColormapWindows() can generate a BadWindow error.


BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.

See also

XAllocClassHint(), XAllocIconSize(), XAllocSizeHints(), XAllocWMHints(), XSetCommand(), XSetTextProperty(), XSetTransientForHint(), XSetWMClientMachine(), XSetWMColormapWindows(), XSetWMIconName(), XSetWMName(), XSetWMProperties(), XSetWMProtocols(), XStringListToTextProperty(), "Setting and Reading the WM_TRANSIENT_FOR Property".
Christophe Tronche, [email protected]