12. Other Formats of this Document

This section is written by Al Dev (at site "http://www.milkywaygalaxy.freeservers.com" mirrors at angelfire , geocities , virtualave , Fortunecity , Freewebsites , Tripod , 101xs , 50megs )

This document is published in 14 different formats namely - DVI, Postscript, Latex, Adobe Acrobat PDF, LyX, GNU-info, HTML, RTF(Rich Text Format), Plain-text, Unix man pages, single HTML file, SGML (Linuxdoc format), SGML (Docbook format), MS WinHelp format.

This howto document is located at -

  • "http://www.linuxdoc.org" and click on HOWTOs and search for howto document name using CTRL+f or ALT+f within the web-browser.

You can also find this document at the following mirrors sites -

  • "http://www.caldera.com/LDP/HOWTO"

  • "http://www.linux.ucla.edu/LDP"

  • "http://www.cc.gatech.edu/linux/LDP"

  • "http://www.redhat.com/mirrors/LDP"

  • Other mirror sites near you (network-address-wise) can be found at "http://www.linuxdoc.org/mirrors.html" select a site and go to directory /LDP/HOWTO/xxxxx-HOWTO.html

  • You can get this HOWTO document as a single file tar ball in HTML, DVI, Postscript or SGML formats from - "ftp://www.linuxdoc.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/other-formats/" and "http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howto"

  • Plain text format is in: "ftp://www.linuxdoc.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO" and "http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howto"

  • Single HTML file format is in: "http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howto" Single HTML file can be created with command (see man sgml2html) - sgml2html -split 0 xxxxhowto.sgml

  • Translations to other languages like French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese are in "ftp://www.linuxdoc.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO" and "http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howto" Any help from you to translate to other languages is welcome.

The document is written using a tool called "SGML-Tools" which can be got from - "http://www.sgmltools.org" Compiling the source you will get the following commands like

  • sgml2html xxxxhowto.sgml (to generate html file)

  • sgml2html -split 0 xxxxhowto.sgml (to generate a single page html file)

  • sgml2rtf xxxxhowto.sgml (to generate RTF file)

  • sgml2latex xxxxhowto.sgml (to generate latex file)

12.1. Acrobat PDF format

PDF file can be generated from postscript file using either acrobat distill or Ghostscript . And postscript file is generated from DVI which in turn is generated from LaTex file. You can download distill software from "http://www.adobe.com" . Given below is a sample session:

	bash$ man sgml2latex
	bash$ sgml2latex filename.sgml
	bash$ man dvips
	bash$ dvips -o filename.ps filename.dvi
	bash$ distill filename.ps
	bash$ man ghostscript
	bash$ man ps2pdf
	bash$ ps2pdf input.ps output.pdf
	bash$ acroread output.pdf &
Or you can use Ghostscript command ps2pdf . ps2pdf is a work-alike for nearly all the functionality of Adobe's Acrobat Distiller product: it converts PostScript files to Portable Document Format (PDF) files. ps2pdf is implemented as a very small command script (batch file) that invokes Ghostscript, selecting a special "output device" called pdfwrite . In order to use ps2pdf, the pdfwrite device must be included in the makefile when Ghostscript was compiled; see the documentation on building Ghostscript for details.

12.2. Convert Linuxdoc to Docbook format

This document is written in linuxdoc SGML format. The Docbook SGML format supercedes the linuxdoc format and has lot more features than linuxdoc. The linuxdoc is very simple and is easy to use. To convert linuxdoc SGML file to Docbook SGML use the program ld2db.sh and some perl scripts. The ld2db output is not 100[percnt] clean and you need to use the clean_ld2db.pl perl script. You may need to manually correct few lines in the document.

  • Download ld2db program from "http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~rrt/docbook.html" or from Milkyway Galaxy site

  • Download the cleanup_ld2db.pl perl script from from Milkyway Galaxy site

The ld2db.sh is not 100[percnt] clean, you will get lot of errors when you run

		bash$ ld2db.sh file-linuxdoc.sgml db.sgml
		bash$ cleanup.pl db.sgml > db_clean.sgml
		bash$ gvim db_clean.sgml
		bash$ docbook2html db.sgml
And you may have to manually edit some of the minor errors after running the perl script. For e.g. you may need to put closing tag < /Para> for each < Listitem>

12.3. Convert to MS WinHelp format

You can convert the SGML howto document to Microsoft Windows Help file, first convert the sgml to html using:

		bash$ sgml2html xxxxhowto.sgml     (to generate html file)
		bash$ sgml2html -split 0   xxxxhowto.sgml (to generate a single page html file)
Then use the tool HtmlToHlp . You can also use sgml2rtf and then use the RTF files for generating winhelp files.

12.4. Reading various formats

In order to view the document in dvi format, use the xdvi program. The xdvi program is located in tetex-xdvi*.rpm package in Redhat Linux which can be located through ControlPanel [verbar] Applications [verbar] Publishing [verbar] TeX menu buttons. To read dvi document give the command -

          xdvi -geometry 80x90 howto.dvi man xdvi
And resize the window with mouse. To navigate use Arrow keys, Page Up, Page Down keys, also you can use 'f', 'd', 'u', 'c', 'l', 'r', 'p', 'n' letter keys to move up, down, center, next page, previous page etc. To turn off expert menu press 'x'.

You can read postscript file using the program 'gv' (ghostview) or 'ghostscript'. The ghostscript program is in ghostscript*.rpm package and gv program is in gv*.rpm package in Redhat Linux which can be located through ControlPanel [verbar] Applications [verbar] Graphics menu buttons. The gv program is much more user friendly than ghostscript. Also ghostscript and gv are available on other platforms like OS/2, Windows 95 and NT, you view this document even on those platforms.

  • Get ghostscript for Windows 95, OS/2, and for all OSes from "http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost"

To read postscript document give the command -

          gv howto.ps ghostscript howto.ps

You can read HTML format document using Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet explorer, Redhat Baron Web browser or any of the 10 other web browsers.

You can read the latex, LyX output using LyX a X-Windows front end to latex.